Aircraft Engines Manufactured by LYCOMING

This page provides detailed specifications, including engine type, horsepower, thrust, and registered aircraft data for each engine model.

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101 - 125 of 857 records displayed
Model Engine Type Horsepower (HP) Kilowatts (kW) Lbs Thrust (lbf) Kilonewtons (kN) Registered Aircraft
GO-145-C3 Reciprocating 75 56 -- -- 0
GO-435 Reciprocating 210 156.7 -- -- 32
GO-435-C2 Reciprocating 260 194 -- -- 2
GO-435-C2A Reciprocating 260 194 -- -- 2
GO-435-C2A2 Reciprocating 260 194 -- -- 5
GO-435-C2B Reciprocating 260 194 -- -- 1
GO-435-C2B1 Reciprocating 260 194 -- -- 0
GO-435-C2B2 Reciprocating 260 194 -- -- 4
GO-435-C2C Reciprocating 260 194 -- -- 0
GO-435-C2D Reciprocating 260 194 -- -- 0
GO-435-C2E Reciprocating 260 194 -- -- 0
GO-435-D1 Reciprocating 260 194 -- -- 0
GO-435C&D SER Reciprocating 260 194 -- -- 130
GO-480 SERIES Reciprocating 295 220.1 -- -- 241
GO-480-A1A Reciprocating 260 194 -- -- 0
GO-480-B Reciprocating 260 194 -- -- 1
GO-480-B1A6 Reciprocating 260 194 -- -- 10
GO-480-B1B Reciprocating 260 194 -- -- 0
GO-480-B1C Reciprocating 260 194 -- -- 0
GO-480-B1D Reciprocating 260 194 -- -- 1
GO-480-C1B6 Reciprocating 280 208.9 -- -- 0
GO-480-C1D6 Reciprocating 280 208.9 -- -- 0
GO-480-C2C6 Reciprocating 280 208.9 -- -- 0
GO-480-C2D6 Reciprocating 280 208.9 -- -- 0
GO-480-C2E6 Reciprocating 280 208.9 -- -- 0
The data on this website is sourced directly from official Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) records. To ensure data accuracy, we try not to correct issues such as improper punctuation, spelling errors, empty fields, or unusual labels like "SALE REPORTED" for a registrant. We make every effort to present information as it appears in the FAA database. This website is not affiliated with any government agency.