DOUGLAS Aircraft Models

List of aircraft models that are or were manufactured by DOUGLAS, along with the number of each model currently registered in the United States.

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1 - 7 of 7 records displayed
  1. SBD-4 (1)
  2. SBD-5 (1)
  3. SKYRAIDER AD-5(A-1E) (1)
  4. SKYRAIDER AD-6 (1)
  5. SUPER DC-3 (1)
  6. SUPER R4D-8 (3)
  7. SUPER R4D-8Z (0)
The data on this website is sourced directly from official Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) records. To ensure data accuracy, we try not to correct issues such as improper punctuation, spelling errors, empty fields, or unusual labels like "SALE REPORTED" for a registrant. We make every effort to present information as it appears in the FAA database. This website is not affiliated with any government agency.