Comprehensive List of FAA Aircraft Registrants in the United States

This is a complete and accurate list of aircraft registrants maintained by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the United States. It includes all current and former registrants, as well as parties with reserved N-Numbers.

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126 - 150 of 182 records displayed
Registrant Registered Aircraft Deregistered Aircraft Reserved N-Numbers
6570P LLC 0 1 0
6596 MIKE LLC 1 0 0
65EL INC 0 1 0
65R CLUB INC 0 1 0
66 FLYING CLUB 0 1 0
66 KILO LLC 0 1 0
66 RENTALS INC 0 1 0
660 ROMEO LLC 1 0 0
6600 INC 0 1 0
6613 H LTD 1 0 0
661PC LLC 2 0 0
6688DELTA INC 0 1 0
66EE LLC 1 0 0
66PJ LLC 1 0 0
67 ECHO LLC 1 0 0
67 ZULU LLC 1 0 0
671BP LLC 1 0 0
673SP LLC 1 0 0
6744X INC 0 1 0
678C LLC 1 0 0
67PA LLC 0 1 0
68 ARROW INC 0 1 0
68 WHISKEY LLC 0 1 0
* Other records may exist for this manufacturer due to punctuation differences in the name.
The data on this website is sourced directly from official Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) records. To ensure data accuracy, we try not to correct issues such as improper punctuation, spelling errors, empty fields, or unusual labels like "SALE REPORTED" for a registrant. We make every effort to present information as it appears in the FAA database. This website is not affiliated with any government agency.