2 BAR AVIATION - Aircraft Registrant

View aircraft registrant contact information for 2 BAR AVIATION.

Registrant Information

Registrant Information
Street (Mailing) PO BOX 146
City (Mailing) LOUP CITY
State (Mailing) NE
Zip Code (Mailing) 688530146
County (Mailing) Wayne
Country (Mailing) US
Street (Physical) 1903 AIRPORT RD
City (Physical) LOUP CITY
State (Physical) NE
Zip Code (Physical) 68853
County (Physical) Wayne
Country (Physical) US
The data on this website is sourced directly from official Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) records. To ensure data accuracy, we try not to correct issues such as improper punctuation, spelling errors, empty fields, or unusual labels like "SALE REPORTED" for a registrant. We make every effort to present information as it appears in the FAA database. This website is not affiliated with any government agency.