Complete List of Aircraft Manufacturers in the United States

This page provides a comprehensive table of aircraft manufacturers whose products are registered in the United States, based on data sourced directly from the FAA.

Page 3 of 56
51 - 75 of 1,385 records displayed
Manufacturer Aircraft Models Registered Aircraft Deregistered Aircraft
N72YX LLC 1 1 0
N757GS INC 1 1 0
N776TL LLC 1 1 0
N779RV LTD 1 1 0
N789 LLC 1 1 0
N8174Y LLC 1 1 0
N821ND LLC 1 1 0
N83ZC LLC 1 1 0
N850DV LLC 1 1 0
N859TW LLC 1 1 0
N87PL LLC 1 1 0
N907AB LLC 1 1 0
N907PX LLC 1 1 0
N924GM LLC 2 3 0
N929NX LLC 1 1 0
N961BS LLC 1 2 0
N964KD LLC 1 1 0
N969KT LLC 1 1 0
N97JJ LLC 1 1 0
N989DJ LLC 1 1 0
N997BS LLC 1 1 0
N9FX LLC 1 1 0
NAAS TOM 1 0 1
* Other records may exist for this manufacturer due to punctuation differences in the name.
The data on this website is sourced directly from official Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) records. To ensure data accuracy, we try not to correct issues such as improper punctuation, spelling errors, empty fields, or unusual labels like "SALE REPORTED" for a registrant. We make every effort to present information as it appears in the FAA database. This website is not affiliated with any government agency.